I cannot believe it's been over two years since I've posted to my blog. In fact, I haven't posted since just before our move to our (then) new house; the one about which I spoke last time. I also haven't scrapped in as long, though I have altered some journals. (I should locate those pictures, huh?)
This house has enough room for all of us, for a playroom, for a library (the extra bedroom), and for me to have a scrapbook room. My scraproom can be found on the far left of the above picture, in what is the original single car garage that was remodeled to be a real room. And really: it's perfect.
I also have a 6' long folding table (on the left in the above picture) that is in the center of the room. Ideally, the table would only be out if I needed it and would be put away when not in use. Unfortunately, due to my lack of scrapbooking, that table has become a catch-all, especially during the holidays. If I'm being honest, the entire room has become the place where things go when we don't want them in the living room. I've been trying to remedy that this week.
If anyone ever has the idea to keep things they may not ever need, please tell them to watch an episode of "Hoarders". As it turns out, I have some of the tendencies of a hoarder, so I'm trying to (finally) nip those in the bud. Thus far, it's been a fairly quick process, especially considering we've been in this house for more than two years, and some of these boxes, while peeked in, haven't been unpacked, and two of them haven't been untaped at all! We've one dumpster full and we plan to rent another one. The way I figure it, anything that's not useful to us, but may hold some memories, I can photograph. Virtual clutter isn't nearly as bad as physical clutter. Plus, I can scrapbook any of those things. Y'know...when I next scrapbook. *laugh*
What else? Well, my brother doesn't have kidney problems, but I don't really know what going on there. My nearest-in-age older brother received his Associate's from our local community college and is continuing at OSU. Joel walked with his OSU engineering class, and will officially graduate after Fall term. We've been fostering a niece for 367 days now. (The last is the main reason I haven't scrapped this past year; life is INSANELY busy!) I've finished four terms at LBCC (for writing), but have taken an indefinite break until life settles down. (That last term was just this side of a doozy.) I'm focusing on more important things, and hope to go back in a year or so.
I can't think of anything else that's significant at this time. Oh! Something that I am doing that's scrapbook-related is designing wedding invitations for a couple of friends of ours. First, let me say that I'm not, absolutely not, a digital scrapper. I loathe not having my hands physically on the items with which I'm working. That said, I've been using Adobe Photoshop to create these (after deciding that I didn't like the style of the other designs and figuring the invites will look more elegant this way). Grr. I still hate the program, and can't see myself using it for much else. Anyway. That's what I'm finishing this week. That must be finished this week, as they're to be mailed by the 1st.
And there you have it. That's my life for the past two years, summarized as concisely as possible.
Hope people are finding their summers to be exciting, or at least passably fun. ;)
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